8-7 Resolution
8-8 Reset
8-9 Send data
• Note: ***The range of values +/- 3000 lies outside the mechanical limits of the servo. For this reason when turning
the knob always watch the servo to ensure that it does not strike its mechanical end-stops (for most servos the end-
stop is located around +/- 1900).
• Practical tip: "How can I couple two servos to one channel (e.g. using two servos to actuate one control surface)?"
At the transmitter leave the servo centre and the servo travel settings for the corresponding channel at 0% and +/-
100%. Now adjust the two servos using the MULTImate. It is not a good idea to adjust one servo using the
transmitter, and the second servo using the MULTImate!
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co.KG • Westliche Gewerbestraße 1 • D-75015 Bretten (Gölshausen) • www.multiplex-rc.de
Operating Instructions - MULTImate – V1.42
Setting the resolution for digital servos with
MULTIPLEX digi 5 or HiTEC G2 electronics
If you set "low" or "niedrig" the full servo travel of +/-
90° is available. The "high" or "hoch" setting prod uces
maximum servo travel of +/- 60° . In this case the
range for centre offset is +/-8° , i.e. only half as great.
• Values: "low" / "high" or "niedrig" / "hoch"
• To set: , then
Notes: if you change servo resolution, you will also
need to re-adjust the servo travel.
If you set "high" or "hoch", do not set servo travels
greater than +/- 60° .
Set the servo to the default values (Reset)
To select:
To accept the changes you have made permanently
and store them in the servo:
MULTImate confirms with "--> OK"
With the exception of 7-8 (default settings) all the
parameter changes you have made must be sent
to the servo using this menu point. The servo
does not accept the data otherwise, i.e. it remains
in its previous state.
, confirm with
Seite 18/22