bottom heat for about 45 minutes. After
2/3 of the baking time remove the foil.
Mixed vegetables
1000 g seasonal mixed vegetables, pre-
pared, 1-2 TBSP mixed herbs, 1 tsp
spices for vegetables
Cut larger vegetables into fine strips. Mix
the vegetables with the spices and distri-
bute on 10 pieces of aluminum foil. Add
butter in flakes, if desired. Take the foil
by the corners and twist together to form
small packages. Place the wrapped ve-
getables on the baking sheet and cook in
the oven at 180 °C with top and bottom
heat for about 30 minutes. The cooking
time can vary depending on the type of
vegetables. After cooking, sprinkle the
vegetables with fresh chopped herbs.
Bacon potatoes
Preparation time: 50 minutes
4 potatoes (about 500 g), 150 g lean ba-
con, 1 tsp oil, 1 TBSP chopped parsley
Preparation: Peel the potatoes and slice
in thin rounds in the form of a fan. This
can be done easily by placing the potato
on a tablespoon before cutting. Chop the
bacon and distribute between the potato
slices. Oil four pieces of aluminum foil
and wrap each potato fan in the foil.
Spicy crown cake
Ingredients for a ring mould with a dia-
meter of 26 cm:
5 eggs, 200 g sugar, ½ jar cherry jam,
½ tsp cinnamon, 1 heaped TBSP cocoa,
100 g ground nuts, 350 g flour, 1 enve-
lope baking powder, milk
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Place the wrapped potatoes on the bak-
ing sheet. Bake at the second level from
the bottom at 180 °C with top and bot-
tom heat for about 40-60 minutes. Duri-
ng the last 10 minutes, open the foil and
finish baking the potatoes. Sprinkle the
hot potatoes with the chopped parsley
and serve in the foil. TIP: You can also
fill the potatoes with onion rings and a
little garlic. Also, try sprinkling some ca-
raway seed between the slices.
Baked potatoes in foil
Preparation time: 50 minutes
4 potatoes (500 g), 1 tsp oil
Preparation: Wash the potatoes and cle-
an thoroughly with a vegetable brush.
Poke several holes in the potatoes with
a fork or cut a cross in the skins. Wrap
each potato in a piece of the aluminum
foil. Place the wrapped potatoes on the
baking sheet. Bake at the second level
from the bottom at 180 °C with top and
bottom heat for about 40-60 minutes.
After baking, open the foil at the top, lift
the skin where it was cut and top the po-
tatoes with dressing, made for example
from curd cheese or yogurt, sour cream
and herbs. TIP: Baked potatoes are an
ideal accompaniment to steaks and per-
fect for a barbecue or garden party. They
can be eaten with salt only, or with herb
or garlic butter.
Preparation: Beat eggs, butter, sugar,
jam and cinnamon until foamy. Com-
bine cocoa, nuts, flour and baking pow-
der and stir in. The batter must be thick.
Add a little milk if necessary. Fill the
batter into a greased ring mould. Place
the pan on the grate at the bottom level