The starting priority is re-assigned in two conditions, according to the time ET:
1) Exchange during pumping process: when the pump is active continuously through to exceeding the maximum
absolute pumping time.
2) Exchange on standby: when the pump is on standby but 50% of the time ET has been exceeded.
If ET is set to 0, exchange occurs on standby. Each time a pump in the group stops, a different pump will be activated
on restart.
If the parameter ET (maximum working time) is set to 0, exchange occurs on each restart, regardless of
the effective working time of the pump.
6.6.10 CF: Carrier frequency
This sets the carrier frequency of the inverter modulation. The value set as default, is the correct value in most cases,
and therefore modifications are not recommended unless fully aware of the changes made.
6.6.11 AC: Acceleration
This sets the speed of variation with which the inverter varies frequency. This acts both on the start-up phase and
during control. The pre-set value is generally optimum. If there are problems in starting or HP errors, the value of AC
can be reduced. Each time this parameter is modified, it is advisable to check that system control is still efficient. In
the event of problems of oscillation, lower the GI and GP gain values; see paragraphs 6.6.5 and 6.6.4. A reduction to
AC will slow down the inverter.
6.6.12 AY: Anti cycling
This function avoids frequent switching on and off in the case of leaks in the system. The function can be enabled in 2
different modes: normal and smart.
In normal mode the electronic control blocks the motor after N identical start/stop cycles. In smart mode it acts on the
parameter RP to reduce the negative effects due to leaks. If set on "Disable", the function does not intervene.
6.6.13 AE: Enabling the anti-blocking function
This function serves to avoid mechanical blockages in the event of prolonged disuses; it acts by periodically activating
the pump in rotation.
When this function is enabled, every 23 hours the pump complete an unblocking cycle lasting 1 minute.
WARNING: Only for type M/M inverters: since to ensure starting of a single-phase pump a starting frequency close to
the rated value is necessary for a certain time (see par. 6.6.17 and 6.6.18), whenever the anti-blocking function is
activated with utilities closed there may be an increase in pressure in the system.
Valid only in case of inverter type M/M. Please check your pump can face the system prevalence.
Otherwise it is advisable to deactivate the anti-blocking function.
6.6.14 AF: Anti freeze
If this function is enabled the pump is automatically rotated when the temperature reaches values close to freezing
point, in order to avoid breakages of the pump.
WARNING: Valid only in case of inverter type M/M. There could be some pressure increasing in the system, thus the
starting frequency must be close to the rated one for a while, in a single-phase pump, to enable its turn on (see
sections 6.6.17 and 6.6.18) each time that comes on the antifreeze to utilities closed conditions can increase the
pressure in the system.
Valido solo in caso di inverter di tipo M/M. Please check your pump can face the system
prevalence. If not, its better not to enable the anti-frost function.
6.6.15 Setup of auxiliary digital inputs IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4
This section shows the functions and possible configurations of the inputs by means of parameters I1, I2, I3. Inputs I2
and I3 are available only on type M/T and T/T inverters.
For electrical connections, see section 2.3.3.
The inputs are all the same and all functions can be associated with each. The parameter IN1..IN 3 enables the user
to associate the required function with the input of the same name.
Each function associated with the inputs is explained in more detail further in this section. Table 23 summarises the
functions and various configurations.
The default settings are those in Table 22.