12.2 Procedure for determining
the discarding time of
round sling bulges
Illustration of various types of bulges,
taking a 40 t XXL round sling as an example:
A production-related bulge is mostly found near the
label; the complete internal non-woven fabric is fixed at
this point with a fabric adhesive tape so that the start
and end threads cannot wander.
The manufacturing related place is placed on the fist
and the two strands drop from the fist at a 90° angle.
The round sling need not be discarded.
This photo shows a normal section of a round sling
without bulge.
The round sling adapts itself to the shape of the fist and
drops directly from it.
No need to discard!
Fig. 11: Round sling with
production-related bulge
Fig. 12: Round sling without bulge
Usage-related bulges can occur in case of incorrect or
very frequent use of the round sling.
A large radius is created, the two strands do not drop
directly from the fist.
The round sling must be discarded!
12.3 Signs of defects or damage
that could affect permanently
safe use are:
12.3.1 Chafing marks on the surface
Chafing of the surface fibres of the sheath occurs in
normal use. This is normal and has only minor effects.
All major chafing, especially localised, should be
regarded as critical and the round sling must be
discarded in case of doubt. Localised abrasion may
occur on a round sling that is under tension due to
a sharp edge; this abrasion differs from the generally
unavoidable wear and leads to the sheath tearing.
It must be checked and evaluated by an expert.
12.3.2 Chemical influence
The effects of chemicals lead to a local weakening and
softening of the material. The chemical influence is
recognisable by flaking of fibres in the sheath, which
can be pulled out or rubbed off. Any sign of a chemical
influence on the sheath gives rise to serious doubt that
the core is free from defects. Consequently, the round
sling must be discarded or checked and evaluated by
an expert.
Fig. 13: Round sling with
usage-related bulge
round slings 12/2021 / subject to change!