3.4 To install and connect the receiver
Unfold folded page (3-33)
Figure A
Clean the windscreen in the area where the aerial is to be affixed. When affixing the aerial, the windscreen
should be at a temperature of at least 20°C.
The aerial must not be affixed in an area where it may interfere with the driver's vision.
To avoid problems with the ITS head airbag, the aerial cable must be secured to the factory fitted
cables using cable ties.
Affix the aerial (2) to the windscreen at a distance a = max. 25 mm from the windscreen frame. Lay the aerial cable
under the roof liner to the A pillar and along the A pillar to the left-hand footwell.
Figure B
Connect the holder (27) to the receiver (3), place it on the footwell cover (72) as shown, mark the drilling points for
the holes and drill them with a 5 mm drill bit.
Place speed nuts (28) on the holder (27) and secure the receiver (3) with the Fillister head self-tapping screws, size
4.2 x 16 (29).
Figure C
Connect the aerial cable (2) and branch A14 on the auxiliary heating system wiring harness A to the receiver (3)
and fit the footwell cover (72).
Go back to section 2
3.5 To install the time switch (optional)
Unfold folded page (3-33)
Figure D
Beiliegende Bohrschablone auf die Blende (54) kleben. Bohrungen gemäß Bohrschablone durchführen.
Affix the enclosed drilling template to the trim (54). Drill the holes shown on the template. Secure the holder for the
time switch (4) using the enclosed screw and clip the time switch (4) on to the trim (54). Connect branch A16 to
the time switch (4) as you install the trim (54).
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