The previous picture shows the configuration panel for an AFNOR/IRIG-B. In addition,
the description contains identification and version of the program embedded in the out-
put card (there, it's the program NTPSAFN1, version 0252).
Each output card can be configured independently through the following parameters :
Output deactivation
Except the display, all the output cards can be deactivated. The deactivation has
the following effects :
For ASCII+TOP card, the time frame is not generated and the TOP outputs are
in the open state;
For AFNOR output, the carrier is not modulated.
The ALARM output doesn't generate warning signal.
Time zone
The "Time Zone" is a time offset that can be added or subtracted from the time
received through the NTP protocol (which is UTC time) to generate local time. For
example in France, local time is GMT + 1:00.
Day Saving Time
In addition to the Time Zone, many countries apply a Day Saving Time correction.
The year is made of two areas: in summer time, 1 hour more is added to the time
(after Time Zone correction), in winter time only the Time zone correction is applied.
Don't forget to select the appropriate country in the WEB interface.
Description & name of the card
Disable the output
DST policy
Offset to apply to UTC time