1. The control surface horns for the rudder and eleva-
tor are stapled to the bags containing the rudder and
elevator, do not accidentally discrad them.
2. Install the elevator control surface horns on the bot-
tom of the elevator surface with the screws provided
in the small plastic bag. The side of the stabilizer that
contains the washer faces down, make sure to install
the control horns on the opposite side. Make sure the
control surface horns are facing into the right direction
before installation.
Note: The longer screws always located on the lea-
ding edge side of all the control surface.
3. Always make sure that the screws are grabbing into
the back plates of the control horns.
Note: It is very important that these parts are hol-
ding tight during flight.
4. Attach the rudder surface control horn to the port
side of the rudder.
5. The aileron accessories part are include in the bag
with the label „Aileron".