Risk of fatal electrical shock!
Before carrying out any work, switch off the power supply and secure it against being
switched on again.
Never open the control module (Fig. I, Item 5) and never remove any operating elements.
Work on the pump may only be started after 5 minutes have elapsed due to the dangerous
residual contact voltage.
Check whether all connections (including potential-free contacts) are voltage-free.
Do not operate the pump if the control module/cable is damaged.
If adjustment and operating elements on the control module are removed without author-
isation, there is a risk of electric shock if internal electrical components are touched.
Material damage caused by improper electrical connection!
If the wrong voltage is applied, the control module can be damaged!
The current type and voltage of the mains connection must correspond to the specifications on the rating
Control via triacs/semiconductor relay is not permitted!
When conducting insulation tests with a high voltage generator, the pump must be disconnected from the
mains at all poles in the system's switch cabinet.
Mains supply
Only operate the pump with sinusoidal AC voltage.
A motor protection switch supplied by the customer is not required.
If a residual-current device (RCD) is used, it is recommended to use an RCD type A (pulse current sensit-
ive). Check that the rules for the coordination of electrical equipment in the electrical installation are ob-
served and, if necessary, adjust the RCD accordingly.
When dimensioning the residual-current device, consider the number of pumps connected and their rated
motor currents.
Observe leakage current I
The following minimum requirements are to be met if shutdown takes place by means of an on-site net-
work relay:
Rated current ≥ 8 A
Rated voltage: 250 V AC
Observe the switching frequency:
Switching on/off via mains voltage ≤ 100/24 h
≤ 20/h for a switching frequency of 1 min. between switching on/off via mains voltage
Mains cable
The mains cable is intended for the power supply of the pump.
Mains cables meet the requirements of DIN VDE 0292, DIN VDE 0293-308 and EN 50525-2-11.
Minimum cross-section: 0.75 mm
The mains connection at the pump interface is designed as an AMP-Superseal 1.5 Series 3P CA (socket)
with the following features:
EN 61984
Installation and operating instructions • Wilo-Para MAXO/-G/-R/-Z • Ed.04/2024-11
≤ 3.5 mA for each pump.