Replacing the rope box
When replacing the rope box, follow these steps:
To remove the cover, proceed in the reverse order to the installation. The installation is described here: Installing the cover
(Page 90)
If the rope is present, secure the rope of the rope box. To do this, use the rope clamp and pulley from the envelope in the
document pocket. Install the rope stopping mechanism in reverse order to the removal of the rope stopping mechanism. The
procedure is described here: Removing the rope stopping mechanism (Page 89)
To remove the cable clamp, proceed in the reverse order to installation. The installation is described here: Installing the cable
clamp (Page 86)
To remove the mounting plate with the defective rope box, proceed in the reverse order to installation. The installation is
described here: Installing the mounting plates (Page 82)
Loosen the three M6x16 countersunk screws and lift the rope box off the mounting plate.
Figure 19
Removing the rope box
Place the rope box on the mounting plate and screw it down with the three M6x16 countersunk screws. The tightening torque is
8 Nm.
Figure 20
Installing the rope box on the mounting plate
Installation of the cable management system V1.6
A5E53160522-AC, 05/2024