After successful data entry the screen changes to the query concerning whether the pipes are
machined according to manufacturer's instructions. This must be confirmed with >OK<.
Before the actual welding starts the device again displays all relevant welding parameters.
Diameter ............ Pipe diameter according to the scan fitting code
Energy ............... Energy used
Weld .................. Welding time according to the scan fitting code, actual / plan welding volt-
Supply ............... Mains voltage and mains frequency
R ........................ Current resistance of the heating coil
Log .................... Log number, a serial number increasing over the whole service life of the
The device performs two safety checks at this point:
Correct Fitting Connection (CFC)
The device checks whether a fitting is attached and compares these data with the previously
scanned in data. If the deviation between both values is less than the tolerance referred to in the
code, the welding process begins. If the deviation lies outside the permissible tolerance then the
device will report an error and provides information about where the error could lie (see "Error
patterns" Chapter 8).
Heat Control Function (HC).
The device calculates (based on welding parameters, the current device temperature and the
ambient temperature) whether this welding sequence can be performed completely. It is above
all at high outside temperatures or with large fittings that there could otherwise be overheating of
the device and therefore emergency switching off during the ongoing welding process. The
green >START< button lights up if the welding sequence can be performed completely. The
welding process can be started by pressing this button. If the current device temperature is too
high, the red >STOP< button lights up. A notice will appear in the display concerning how long
the device must cool down for before one can start welding again (the time displayed here is an
approximate time). If the green >START< button lights up then pressing this button will start the
welding process.
age, current welding current