1.1 - MC7 Balanced Diaphragm 1
The MC7 Balanced Diaphragm 1
formance under all sport diving conditions. The unique feature of
this light and compact balanced system is that it provides con-
sistent high performance airflow at all tank pressures and at all
sport diving depths. Intermediate pressure remains the same,
regardless of tank pressure or depth. Generally, the perform-
ance of regulators deteriorate as tank pressure is reduced or as
the diver descends to a deeper depth. This is not the case with
the MC7 regulator. Performance is maintained, regardless of
pressure and depth. This unique "hyper-balancing" feature
was made possible by an "on line" system and by an accurate
internal surface design. Regulator performance is consistent
throughout the dive, offering top performance at all stages of the
dive, as well as during the important critical ascent phase.
Within the 1
stage is a flexible diaphragm (15) that both protects
and seals the internal mechanism, while transmitting water pres-
sure changes to the high pressure seat (8).
For this reason, the MC7 Balanced
Diaphragm 1st stage is a better
choice for diving in water with a high
content of suspended matter or dis-
solved mineral salts. The MC7 bal-
anced diaphragm 1
stage is recom-
mended for cold water use (with
water temperatures below 10 °C),
with the addition of an Antifreeze Kit
(20K) (see chapter 1.2). The addition
of the Antifreeze Kit ensures that the
stage is completely sealed, with
freezing related problems eliminated.
MC7 balanced diaphragm first stage
features a compact, chrome-plated
brass body with internal components
stage ensures constant per-
made of stainless steel, chrome-plated brass, and thermoplastic
resins. The first stage is supplied with 4 low pressure (LP) 3/8"
ports, arranged at proper angles to avoid interference with other
connected equipment, and 2 high pressure (HP) 7/16" ports with
0.2 mm restricted airflow vents, allowing for maximum safety in
the event of accidental damage to the high pressure hose, thus,
resulting in a potential rapid depletion of tank pressure.
WARNING: It is necessary to connect either a pressure
gauge or a pressure-measuring computer to one of the 1
Stage HP ports. Since cylinders do not feature a reserve
device, an underwater pressure gauge must to be connected
to the regulator 1
while diving.
Diving without a pressure gauge is dangerous since you can-
not check air consumption, and should you suddenly run out
of air while diving, you can put your life at risk.
Air supply into the 1
tered filter (5K) which retains all impurities from the cylinder and
the valves.
fig. 1
The 1
stage is connected to the cylinder valves by means of an
international YOKE CGA 850 connection using a newly designed
bracket with an advanced engineering concept (2), or by means
of a DIN UNI EN 12209-1-2-3 (21K o 22K) threaded connection in
compliance with UNI EN 250:2000 standards. DIN connections
are recommended when cylinders with more than 200 bar (2900
psi) working pressure are used.
The adjusting and setting of the intermediate pressure of this
balanced diaphragm first stage is easy, but requires the service
of a properly certified technician.
WARNING: The intermediate pressure should only be
adjusted by Cressi-sub authorized centers. Changing pre-set
values can affect the proper function of the regulator.
Stage in order to monitor air consumption
stage is protected by a cone shaped sin-