5.4. Installing a fall protection device on a Davimast™ anchor point
The brackets are fitted with a PPE anchor point.
The connection with the PPE anchor point on the Davimast™ must be made using any certified
PPE for 1 operator with a maximum weight of 310 lbs (140 kg) and an average arrest force limited
to a maximum of 900lbs (400 daN).
Two fall protection systems must never be connected to the same anchor point. A lifting system
must never be connected to the PPE anchor point.
6. Use
The presence of a second operator nearby is essential to carry out a possible evacuation.
The rescue operations to be planned must have been studied beforehand in order to define the
human resources and equipment to be used to rescue the injured person within a period of less
than 15 minutes. After that time, the operator is in danger.
Throughout the rescue phase, there must be direct or indirect visual contact or other means of
communication between the rescuer and other persons involved in the rescue.
The connection with the different PPE anchor points on the different Davimast™ bracket must be
made using any certified PPE for 1 operator with a maximum weight of 310 lbs (140 kg) and an
average arrest force limited to a maximum of 900lbs (400 daN).
6.1. 310 lbs (140 kg) PPE double anchor with 360° rotation
The 310 lbs (140 kg) PPE double anchor with 360° rotation secures 1 operator by rotating anchor
with a maximum weight of 310lbs (140 kg). Up to two operators can connect to this bracket at the
same time.
Each anchor point turns 360° independently.
A lifeline that requires the installation structure not to have a strength below 3300 lbs (15 kN),
including any safety coefficient, can be installed between two Davimast™, each equipped with a
310 lbs (140 kg) PPE double anchor with 360° rotation bracket (e.g., a Tractel® Tempo 3 temporary
The operators must ensure their fall arresters never cross during use.
6.2. Blocfor® bi-directional retrieval lifeline
After a fall, the mechanism of the Blocfor® bi-directional retrieval lifeline is locked. To evacuate the
operator up or down, engage the recovery mechanism by pushing the lock button and then operate
the crank.
The Blocfor® bi-directional retrieval lifeline is equipped with two handles to facilitate its handling
and use in rescue by lifting by holding the equipment handle with one hand and the crank handle
with the other.
For information on how to use the Blocfor® bi-directional retrieval lifeline device in fall arrest mode,
see the Blocfor® bi-directional retrieval lifeline instructions.
The connection with the PPE anchor point is for maximum one operator weighing up to 310 lbs (140
kg) can connect to this bracket at the same time.