Adjustment of a safety trip point and an intermediate trip point
This configuration satisfies a number of applications such as, for example, fast lifting speed
conditioned to load lifted. Audible or visual signal triggered at 90 % of the WLL. etc.
Preliminary conditions:
Load limiter correctly mounted and wired.
Adjustment screws unscrewed to the maximum. Hook free of any load.
Equipment required:
A load (called «WLL») equivalent to 100 % of the nominal capacity authorized for the
lifting machine.
An additional load equivalent to 10 % of the «WLL».
A load «X» equivalent to the value of the intermediate threshold.
Lift the two loads (100 % + 10 %
WLL) by about 10 cm.
Adjust the safety threshold S1.
Check correct operation.
Lift the intermediate load "X".
Adjust the intermediate load S2.
Check correct operation.
The additional 10 % represents the overshoot value
authorized in accordance with the European
Gradually screw in the threshold adjustment screws
(§ 2.1, rep. G) until the NC contact opens (see § 3.1).
Use an ohmmeter, for example, to check the state of
the contact.
It must be possible to lift the «WLL» load.
It must be possible to lift the «WLL» load + 10 %.
Depending on the lifting speed, the dynamic effect
may produce an unintentional overload. In this case,
consult with a technician capable of integrating a
signal filtering device (example: time-out, etc.).
Wait for the load to stabilize before adjusting the
Gradually screw in the threshold adjustment screws
(§ 2.1, rep G) until the NC contact opens (see § 3.1.).
Use an ohmmeter, for example, to check the state of
the contact.
Check that micro switch S2 opens when the load "X"
is lifted.