Event message
The grid voltage at the inverter is less than the minimum permissible
Grid voltage
value. Due to legal requirements, the inverter switches automatically off
too low
while the error state is present.
u Contact your installer if this error occurs frequently.
The grid voltage at the inverter is greater than the maximum permissible
Grid voltage
value. Due to legal requirements, the inverter switches automatically off
too high
while the error state is present.
u Contact your installer if this error occurs frequently.
After switching off, the inverter cannot resume feeding because the grid
Grid voltage
voltage exceeds the legally prescribed switch-on value.
too high for re-
u Contact your installer if this error occurs frequently.
The output voltage averaged over the legally prescribed period of time
Grid voltage Ø
falls below the permissible tolerance range. The inverter switches auto-
too low
matically off while the error state is present.
u Contact your installer if this error occurs frequently.
The output voltage averaged over the legally prescribed period of time
Grid voltage Ø
exceeds the permissible tolerance range. The inverter switches automati-
too high
cally off while the error state is present.
u Contact your installer if this error occurs frequently.
The DC current portion fed into the grid by the inverter exceeds the max-
Grid current
imum permissible value. Due to legal requirements, the inverter switches
DC offset too
automatically off while the error state is present.
u Contact your installer.
The residual current flowing from the positive or negative inputs to earth
via the solar modules exceeds the maximum permissible value. Due to
current too
legal requirements, the inverter switches automatically off while the
error state is present.
u Contact your installer.
The live and neutral conductors are wrongly connected. For safety rea-
L and N
sons, the inverter must not feed into the grid.
u Contact your installer.
The protective earth is not connected. For safety reasons the inverter
FE not con-
must not feed into the grid.
u Contact your installer.
The insulation resistance between the positive or negative input and
Insulation error
earth is less than the permissible value. For safety reasons the inverter
must not feed into the grid.
u Contact your installer.