Messages of errors that prevent the self test from running
'An error was detected'
'Not enough sunlight'
'Invalid grid conditions'
'MSD not ready'
✔ The country
Italy is set in the inverter to be tested.
1. Check the country setting via
in the main menu as required.
'Self test' in the main menu. The dialog shown at the
2. Select
left is displayed.
3. Press and hold
4. The values for the first test phase are displayed (Fig. left).
5. Press s to display the values for the subsequent test phases
(if available).
'Self test failed' is displayed: Press 'SET' to con-
6. Only when
firm the message. The status display appears.
'Self test failed' is displayed then repeat the self test as
soon as possible so that the inverter can resume feeding.
When the self test has finished, proceed as follows:
7. Press s several times until the message
displayed (Fig. left).
'SET' to confirm the result of the self test. The status
8. Press
display appears.
An internal error prevented the
self test from starting.
The self test was not started or
was cancelled due to insuffi-
cient sunlight, especially in the
evening / at night.
The self test was cancelled due
to invalid grid conditions, e.g.
due to insufficient AC voltage.
The self test was not started
because the inverter was not
ready for operation.
'Information' ▶ 'System info'
'SET' for 1 second. The self test starts.
Contact your installer if this
error occurs frequently.
Repeat the self test during the
day when the inverter is
feeding the grid.
Repeat the self test later.
Repeat the self test a few
minutes later when the
inverter is ready for operation
and is feeding.
'Self test passed' is