73. Remove the fi n from the fuselage. Mix 1 ounce (30ml) of
30-minute epoxy and use an epoxy brush to apply epoxy
to the exposed wood inside the rear of the fuselage. Apply
epoxy to the exposed wood on the fi n where it will contact the
fuselage. Also apply epoxy under the fi n to glue it to the top of
the fuselage where the covering was removed. Use a paper
towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any excess epoxy.
Regularly check the alignment while the epoxy is curing to
make sure it does not move and sets in a misaligned angle.
74. Attach the control horns to the elevators. Follow the
instructions outlined for the ailerons for this procedure.
75. Hinge the elevators to the stabilizer following the instructions
outlined for hinging the ailerons.
76. Remove the two thumb screws holding the canopy hatch in
77. Slide the canopy hatch forward then up to remove it from the
fuselage. Set the canopy hatch aside.
Tiger 30cc ARF
78. Mount the two elevator servos in the fuselage. Position the
servos toward the outside of the fuselage and the servo
outputs facing the rear of the fuselage. Mounting the servo is
outlined in the aileron servo installation.
79. When attaching the ball end to the servo arm, use the hole
that is 5/8 in (16mm) from the center of the servo horn.
Prepare the servo horn following the same procedure as the
aileron servo horns.
80. Thread an M3 nut on one end of a 41
pushrod. Slide a retainer over the barrel of the clevises.
Thread the clevis on the pushrod until the end of the pushrod
is visible between the forks of the clevis. Insert the pushrod
into the pushrod tube at the rear of the fuselage. Attach the
clevis to the center hole of the control horn.
81. Thread a ball end 10-turns on the pushrod. Attach the ball
end to the servo arm using an M3 x 15 socket head cap
screw, two M3 washers and an M3 locknut. Attach the servo
horn to the servo using hardware provided with the servo.
Adjust the linkage so the elevator and servo are both centered
at the same time. Tighten the nut at the clevis and slide the
retainer over the forks of the clevis.
82. Repeat the procedure for the remaining elevator servo.
5/8 inch
-inch (1064mm)