Insert the 2-inch (51mm) long carbon pins in the holes in the
fl ap. The pins will be centered, with 1-inch (25mm) of the pin
exposed from the end of the fl ap.
Check the fi t of the pins in the aileron.
Remove the pins from the aileron and fl ap. Mix a small
amount of 5-minute epoxy and apply it to the pin where it will
be inserted into the fl ap. Prepare two pins at this time.
Apply epoxy in the holes in the fl ap. Insert the pins and
remove any excess epoxy using isopropyl alcohol and a paper
towel. Make sure the pins are straight and inserted so 1-inch
(25mm) of the pin is exposed. Allow the epoxy to full cure
before proceeding.
10. Once the epoxy has fully cured, mix a small amount of
5-minute epoxy and apply it to each pin.
11. Apply epoxy in the holes in the aileron.
12. Slide the fl ap pins into the aileron. Set the gap between the
fl ap and aileron as recorded earlier.
13. Use low-tack tape to attach the assembly to a straight edge
to keep the fl ap and aileron in alignment while the epoxy
14. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the
location in the wing trailing edge marked in Step 2.
15. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the
location in the control surfaces marked in Step 2.