126. Insert the clunks into the tank. Install the larger clunk, then
the small clunk. Mark the lines from the tank so the fuel lines
can be identifi ed from outside the tank. Tighten the screw in
the stopper using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.
Check that both clunks can move freely inside the tank.
If not, adjust the tubing from outside the tank so they can
move freely to ensure consistent fuel flow to the engine.
127. Secure a 6-inch (152mm) fuel line to the fi ll, vent and clunk
tubes of the fuel tank. Tie wraps can be used to secure the
fuel lines as an alternative to wire ties on the outside of the
fuel tank.
128. Secure the fuel tank in the fuselage using hook and loop
straps. Use foam rubber under the tank to keep it from
moving inside the fuselage.
129. Remove the covering from the side of the fuselage for the fuel
line using a hobby knife and #11 blade. Route the line from
one clunk through the hole in the fuselage. Use the aluminum
plug on the outside of the fuselage. Attach the remaining fuel
line from the clunk to the carburetor. Use a tie wrap to keep
the fuel line secure.
We highly recommend using a fuel filter between
the fuel tank and carburetor to prevent debris
from entering the carburetor or engine.
130. Secure the fuel tank in the fuselage using hook and loop
straps. The ignition module and ignition batter can also be
installed using hook and loop tape. Make all the connections
from the fuel tank to the engine, fi ll lines and overfl ow.
Connect the ignition module to the engine, switch and ignition
Tiger 30cc ARF
131. Slide the cowling over the engine. Trim the cowl using hobby
scissors to fi t around the muffl er cylinder head. Smooth any
rough edges using medium grit sandpaper and a rotary tool
with a sanding drum. Remove the cowling before proceeding.
132. Fit the spinner backplate on the engine shaft. It may be
necessary to enlarge the hole in the spinner backplate using
a reamer to fi t the engine shaft.
133. Place the washer from the engine (or a purpose made drilling
jig) on the spinner backplate. Mark the locations for the
propeller mounting screws using a felt-tipped pen.
134. Remove the washer and spinner backplate from the engine.
Use a drill and 7/32-inch (5mm) drill bit to drill the holes for
the propeller mounting screws.
A drill press is highly recommended for drilling
the holes to guarantee the holes are properly
aligned when installing the propeller.
135. Cut a piece of card stock to indicate the edge of the fuselage.
Tape the card stock to the fuselage with the front edge
aligned with the front edge of the fuselage.