136. Slide the cowling on the fuselage, making sure the card stock
markers are on the outside of the cowl. Install the spinner
backplate tightly against the engine drive washer. Position
the cowl so there is a 3/32-inch (2mm) gap between the
backplate and cowl. Also make sure the cowl is aligned with
the backplate. Use low-tack tape to keep the cowl attached to
the fuselage for the following steps.
137. Use a drill and 3/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to drill two holes on
each side of the cowl. Position the holes toward the top and
bottom of the card stock, and closer to the front edge of the
138. Remove the cowling and card stock from the fuselage.
Enlarge the holes in the cowling using a 1/8-inch (3mm) drill
bit. Trim for any other items such as the fi ll and overfl ow
fi ttings.
139. Attach the cowling using four M3 x 8 self-tapping screws.
140. Use a stepped reamer or bolt through the spinner back plate
and propeller to hold them in alignment so the bolt holes for
attaching the propeller can be marked.
141. Use the screws from the spinner to secure the spinner cone
to the back plate. Position the propeller so it does not contact
the spinner cone. Trim the openings around the propeller, if
necessary, as the propeller must not come in contact with the
spinner cone when installed.
142. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the propeller for the mounting
bolt locations.
143. Disassemble the spinner and remove the propeller. Use a drill
and 7/32-inch (5mm) drill bit to drill the holes in the propeller
for the mounting screws.
A drill press is highly recommended for drilling
the holes to guarantee the holes are properly
aligned when installing the propeller.
We recommend preparing at least two propellers in case
a new propeller is required when out flying the model.
144. Secure the propeller and spinner backplate to the engine
shaft. Attach the spinner cone using the screws provided with
the spinner.
145. Place a piece of waxed paper between the canopy hatch and
fuselage to prevent gluing the canopy to the fuselage. Secure
the canopy hatch with the two thumb screws removed earlier.
Trim the thumb screws if they contact the elevator servos.
Install a pilot figure at this time.