Do not flush the upper part of the thermostat, including the main body, with water.
Lime / hard water stains removal
If stains and lime deposits appear on the heater and the stainless-steel apron, please use the
following products with gloves for removal:
Calcium lime and rust remover
Common household lime remover
Sous-vide (French for "under vacuum") is a method of cooking food in which the ingredients
are placed in heat-resistant, vacuum-sealed packaging and then immersed in a temperature-
controlled water bath. The Sous-Vide method makes it possible to consistently produce
perfectly cooked food that also preserves the taste, freshness and nutrients and achieves
delicate results.
Vacuum cooking was born in 1970, when the French scientist Bruno Goussault began his first
sous vide cooking experiments. In 1983, in collaboration with Bruno Goussault, Joël Robuchon
further developed sous vide cooking in his gourmet restaurant. Meanwhile, this method has
become indispensable in any starred restaurant. The SOUS CHEF from LA VAGUE allows you
to cook professionally at home, just like in a starred restaurant. Comfortable and controlled,
you can conjure up delicious, perfectly cooked meals at the touch of a button. Simply vacuum
pack the food, set the desired temperature and cooking time and put the vacuum bags in a
pot or the LA VAGUE Sous Vide container and let the SOUS CHEF do all the work for you.
Which foods are suitable for Sous Vide?
Meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruit, eggs, pudding and more are ideal for the Sous Vide
The sous vide kitchen contributes to the tenderness and texture of the meat, preserving the
bright colors of fruit and vegetables, preserving the delicate, velvety finish of fish and giving
desserts a delicate taste. Sous Vide also allows the visual character and nutritional benefits of
food to be preserved, unlike traditional dishes.
Sous Vide Tips
Set the right time and temperature according to the table and your Sous Vide will prepare
delicious, perfectly cooked food every time. In order to maintain the precise time, remove the
vacuumed bags from the water bath immediately after the cooking time has elapsed.