Slide the tube into the hole in the fi rewall. Leave 1 inch (25mm) of
the tube protruding from the fi rewall. Use medium CA to glue the
tube in place.
Attach the engine to the fi rewall using four spacers, four M4 x 65mm
machine screws, four M4 washers and four M4 blind nuts. Apply a
drop of threadlock on the end of each screw before installation. Use
a 3mm hex wrench to tighten the screws.
Prepare the stopper assembly by placing small amounts of solder on
the end of the tubes. This will help keep the fuel lines secure when
installed. Use hemostats to act as a heat-sink to avoid melting the
rubber stopper.
The fuel tank supplied may look different than shown in the images.
Secure the fuel tank in the fuselage using hook and loop straps. The
ignition module can also be installed using hook and loop tape.
10. Connect the fuel line from the clunk to the carburetor. Make sure to
install a fuel fi lter between the carburetor and fuel tank to prevent
debris from entering the engine.
11. Mount the fuel fi ller in the side of the fuselage. Connect the fuel link
and insert the plug in the line. Push the plug into the mount.
12. Use hook and loop tape to mount the batteries for the ignition and
radio system in the fuselage. Mount the batteries as far forward in
the fuselage as possible.
13. Install the throttle servo in the servo tray following the procedure
outlined for the aileron servo.
14. Mount the throttle servo connector in the throttle servo arm so it is
7/16-inch (11mm) from the center of the servo arm. Place a drop
of canopy glue on the M2 nut, then install it on the underside of the
arm to secure the connector.
15. Center the servo using the radio system and install the servo arm on
the servo perpendicular to the servo center line. Use side cutters to
remove any arms that may interfere with the operation of the servo.