P P r r e e v v e e n n t t i i v v e e m m a a i i n n t t e e n n a a n n c c e e
Remove the product from service before you perform the preventive maintenance inspection. Check all items listed during
annual preventive maintenance for all Stryker Medical products. You may need to perform preventive maintenance checks
more often based on your level of product usage. Service only by qualified personnel.
N N o o t t e e - - Clean and disinfect the exterior of the support surface before inspection, if applicable.
Inspect the following items:
All fasteners are secure
Apply brake pedal and push on bed to confirm that all casters lock
Footboard and head end siderails flash when brakes are not applied
Steer caster locks and unlocks
Siderails move and latch in the highest and intermediate positions
Fowler CPR release operable on both sides
IV pole is intact and operable (option)
Foley bag hooks intact
No cracks or splits in headboard, footboard, or siderail panels
No rips or cracks in mattress cover
All functions on head end siderails operable (includes LEDs)
All functions on footboard operable (includes LEDs)
Calibrate the scale and bed exit system
Motion interrupt operable (below the bed extender)
Night light operable
Main/auxiliary outlet power cords and plugs not frayed or damaged
No cables worn or pinched
All electrical connections tight
All grounds secure to frame
Ground impedence not more than 200 mΩ (milliohms)
Current leakage not more than 300 µA (microamps)
Ground chain is clean, intact, and has at least two links touching the floor
Fowler angle accuracy is 0° - 65°
Footboard and siderail status lights operable
Inspect footboard and siderail controls for signs of degradation
Inspect Fowler dampener for oil leaks
All motions function
Nurse call functions
i i B B e e d d W W i i r r e e l l e e s s s s IR module is intact and footboard icons display (option)
Foot end and head end litter bumper intact and not damaged
Replace bed batteries
Electric brakes apply and release with footboard and siderail controls (option)
S S e e c c u u r r e e C C o o n n n n e e c c t t shows connected when brakes are applied (option)
3009-009-005 Rev AB.0