CALYS 1500
The accuracies quoted apply at + 18° C to + 28° C unl ess otherwise stated, and are expressed as ± (n % R + C) where R =
The reading and C = a Constant expressed in practical units. The specifications are given for a confidence level of 95%.
The accuracy includes the accuracy of the reference standards, non-linearity, hysteresis, repeatability and long term
stability over the period quoted.
D.1 Measurements conditions and necessary precautions.
Measurement conditions :
They apply to a product placed under reference conditions of measurement defined hereafter:
- Power up unit and warm up for 30 minutes.
- Without battery charge.
Necessary precautions:
In case of measuring instruments running on mains power, noise (common mode or serial mode voltage) might occur and
distort the measures. Safety precautions are necessary to prevent that.
For devices operating both on mains and on battery power (which is the case of CALYS instruments), the presence or
absence of noise can be assessed and its influence on the measures rated. Few emfs are generated on battery operation;
it is thus common to make preliminary measurements on battery supply to know the value expected on mains operation.
2 connected devices (generator-meter) are highly unlikely to have the same reference as they are submitted to various
current flows (through the loops formed by measuring and supply cables) and various magnetic fields. On mains
operation, the guard (GUARD) on the meter (when existing) shall be connected to the lowest point of the generator and
compared to the tests made on battery supply.
In case of earth grounded systems, it is preferable to connect both the ground and the guard together. Measurements
performed in these conditions shall also be compared to those made on battery supply.
The ground reference shall be a single one free from any interfering signal, which is not always the case for power cables.
D.2 Measurement Function (Channel 1 and Channel 2)