On channel 2, thermistor simulation is limited to 0-3.6 KOhm for a current range of 0.1 mA – 1 mA and to 400 Ohm for a
current range of 1 mA – 4 mA.
Frequency generation
Display the TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION dialogue box:
Select the Frequency transmission function, then the range using the function and navigation keys.
Select the Signal "Output type".
Enter cyclic ratio between 20 and 80%
Enter the amplitude of the signal between 0 and 20 V.
Confirm with ENTER.
The following ranges are available:
10000 Hz
0.01 Hz
Max. Amplitude
20 V
Depending on the range selected, display is in Hz or beats per minute (BPM).
Connection of the frequency source generated is between the Hz and COM terminals.
Frequency generation for dry contact
Display the TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION dialogue box:
Select the Frequency transmission function, then the range using the function and navigation keys.
Select the "Type of Output" Hard contact.
Enter cyclic ratio between 20 and 80%
Confirm with ENTER.
Generation / Simulation or Measurement on Channel V2
100000 Hz
0.1 Hz
20 V