Fragmentation threshold
RTS/CTS threshold
Force 40MHz mode
Beacon interval
Interface Configuration
For reasons of stability of operation of your router, it is strongly advised not to modify the
parameters of this menu. This menu is for advanced users only.
The Interface Configuration section is used to configure the parameters of Wireless Access Points or Clients. You
can find this section by clicking the 'Edit' button next to a wireless device (not an interface) in the Network →
Wireless page:
General Setup
The General Setup tab contains basic options for ESSID and network interface.
Note: It is advisable not to change the Wi-Fi network name (ESSID) or the Wi-Fi network connection password in
order to keep the QR code functional.
Integer [256..2346];
The smallest packet size that can be fragmented
Default: none
and transmitted by multiple frames. In areas were
interference is a problem, setting a lower fragment
threshold might help reduce the probability of
unsuccessful packet transfers, thus increasing speed
Integer [0..2347];
RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) are
Default: none
mechanisms, used to reduce frame collisions
introduced by the hidden node problem. It can help
resolve problems arising when several access points
are in the same area, contending
Off | on;
Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary
Default: off
channel overlaps. Using this option does not comply
with IEEE 802.11n-2009!
Integer [15..65535];
Beacon signal interval in seconds.
Default: none