Mode : Passthrough
Subnet selection
PDP Type
Auto APN
APN / Custom APN
NAT | Bridge |
Mobile connection operating mode.
• NAT - the mobile connection uses NAT (network address
Default: NAT
• Bridge - bridges the LTE data connection with LAN. The device
assigns its WAN IP address to another device (first connected
to LAN or specified with MAC address). Using Bridge mode will
disable most of the device's capabilities.
• Passthrough - in this mode the I-NET 151 shares its WAN IP to a
single LAN device (first connected to LAN or specified with MAC
address). The LAN device will get WAN IP of I-NET 151 instead of
LAN IP. Using Passthrough mode will disable most of the device's
Auto | P2P;
Subnet selection method.
Default: Auto
IPv4 | IPv6 | IPv4/IPv6;
Specifies what of address will be requested from the operator.
Default: IPv4
Off | on;
The Auto APN feature scans an internal Android APN database and
Default: on
selects an APN based on the SIM card's operator and country. If the
first automatically selected APN doesn't work, it attempts to use
the next existing APN from the database.
An Access Point Name (APN) is a gateway between a GSM, GPRS, 3G
Default: none
or 4G mobile network and another computer network. Depending
on the contract, some operators may require you to use an APN
just to complete the registration on a network. In other cases, APN
is used to get special parameters from the operator (e.g., a public
IP address) depending on the contract.
An A PN N etwork I dentifier c annot s tart w ith a ny o f t he f ollowing s trings:
• rac;
• lac;
• sgn ;
• rc;
it cannot end in:
• gprs ;
and it cannot contain the asterisk symbol (*).