To take Security settings into use, go to Settings
→ Measurement flow → Maintenance → Admin
settings → Security settings (see Picture 25).
Select Security login ON.
Define access to old results.
Admin password can be changed in Manage
admin account. Default admin password is
Set up user and supervisor accounts in User
Adjust time after a user will be logged out. This
is different to the hibernate settings in Power
save. If Full standby option in Power save
is in use, the user will be logged out when
QuikRead go Instrument enters sleep mode.
The user can also log out manually.
In case of a lost or forgotten Admin password, re-
quest a temporary password at softwareupdate. You will need an instrument serial
number to proceed. The temporary password is
valid for one week and can only be used once to
reset the instrument to factory settings.
LIS settings
From LIS settings option (Settings → Measure-
ment flow → Maintenance → Admin settings), LIS
settings for data transfer can be adjusted. The
data are transferred via a serial or a LAN connec-
tion. TCP/IP settings must be supplied before a
LAN connection can function. Contact your sup-
plier for more details about LIS connection.
LIS features
Select the following features OFF or ON.
LIS logging. When set ON, LIS traffic will be
Identify QC result. When set ON, QC results
will have a special identification in LIS com-
LIS delay. When set ON, there will be a short
delay between consecutive results sent to LIS.
A delay can be useful in solving congestion is-
sues with older serial-type connections.
Additional ID. When set ON, on top of Patient
ID and Operator ID a third sample ID can be
added, e.g. patient birthdate or Doctor ID.
Additional ID can be taken into use also with
QuikRead go instruments not connected to LIS.
POCT1-A2 features
Select the following features OFF or ON.
Operator login. When set ON in POCT1-A2
features settings, all users need to log in al-
ways before starting to use QuikRead go In-
strument. User information has to be provided
by the POCT1-A2 server.
Patient ID validation. When set ON, Patient IDs
will be checked against a downloaded patient
list before sending results to the LIS.
Patient data shown. When set ON, patient data
will be shown before a measurement starts.
Emergency button shown. When set OFF,
emergency measurement is disabled in login
screen. The emergency measurement can be
taken into use also with QuikRead go instru-
ments not connected to LIS.
TCP/IP settings
Select the type of LIS connection used. The cor-
rect settings should be asked from an administra-
tive person responsible for the LIS-system.
WLAN settings
Select the type of WLAN connection used by
choosing Scan or Manual setup.
Use only an adapter supplied by Aidian. You can
insert the adapter to any free USB port.
Note: Use only the strongest available security
Character encoding
Select the type of character encoding used for
LIS01-A2 protocol.
Factory reset
The user interface can be restored to factory set-
tings. Factory reset deletes all profiles and results,
and empties the error log. In instruments where
Security login is enabled, the Factory reset deletes
security logs as well. After a Factory reset all user
accounts need to be recreated.
Manufacturer settings
This section is only for the manufacturer's use.