Power (on, off, sleep mode)
QuikRead go Instrument can be in three modes:
on, off or sleep mode.
Turning power on
To turn the instrument on, press Power button on
the front panel. The light on Power button will indi-
cate that the instrument is powered on.
If nothing happens, ensure that the power outlet is
connected, or if the instrument is on accumulator
usage, that the accumulator is charged.
After pressing Power button, the backlight of the
screen will light up, the instrument will start and
proper function of the instrument is checked by
the self-check procedure. After the successful self-
check, the main menu will appear.
Starting QuikRead go Instrument for the first time
will open Set-up wizard (see Section "Set-up wiz-
Turning power off
To turn the instrument off, press Power but-
ton for approx. two seconds. The instrument
will ask you to confirm the shut down by asking
"Do you want to shut down?". If Yes is chosen
on the touch screen, the instrument will turn off.
In case a cuvette was inside the instrument while
shutdown, the cuvette will be lifted up and the in-
strument will ask you to remove it.
Sleep mode
The purpose of the sleep mode is to save accu-
mulator charge in accumulator usage. The sleep
mode will activate automatically when the instru-
ment has been inactive for longer than the time
chosen in Set-up wizard (see more Section "Set-
up wizard"). The sleep mode functionality can be
"Full standby" or "Close lid only".
The instrument indicates the sleep mode by blink-
ing Power button light.
To wake the instrument up, press Power button.
Picture 9
Using the touch screen by pressing the screen gently using a finger.
Use of the touch screen
QuikRead go Instrument has a colour touch
screen. It is operated by touching the virtual but-
tons by fingers. The screen can be used both with
bare fingers and with gloves on (see Picture 9).
The touch screen does not require much pressure,
and pressing too hard or using sharp items may
damage the screen.
There is always a multisensorial feedback to
touching a button: the button will indicate the
touching both visually by changing appearance
and with an audible sound.
A command is registered when the finger is re-
leased from the button touched. If the release hap-
pens outside the initial button area, no command
is given.