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Juzo JuzoPro Epi TT Mode D'emploi page 5

Orthèse de coude


label is important for the identification and traceability
of the product. We therefore ask you not to remove the
label under any circumstances.
Washing and care instructions
Please observe the care instructions on the textile
label of your JuzoPro Epi TT. First open the four
straps and the velcro fasteners of the orthosis pads.
Now carefully separate the padding from the splints
and straps (which are attached by means of velcro
fasteners). Ensure the straps and splints do not get
detached from one another as you do so. This is very
important to ensure that the splints are returned into the
correct position in relation to the padding after you have
cleaned the orthosis. Next remove the velcro-fastened
pads. Handwash the orthosis hinge cushion as well
as the upper arm and forearm cushions with laundry
detergent for delicate fabrics every day or between uses
at approx. 30 °C. Wash the pads separately the first time
(the colour might come out). We recommend using the
mild Juzo Special Detergent for this. Afterwards, rinse
out the pads well and allow them to dry in a free-hanging
position at room temperature; do not wring them out. To
reduce the drying time of the pads, before hanging them
up, place them on a thick terry towel, roll them up tightly
and squeeze them firmly. Do not leave in the towel and
do not place on a heater or in the sun to dry. The orthosis
is not suitable for tumble drying. This Juzo product must
not be cleaned chemically.Do not fasten the splints to
the padding again until they are fully dry. To do so, place
the splints, with the outer edges of the hinges facing
down, in front of you on the floor. The straps should all
be under tension to ensure the correct separation of
the splints is maintained. Now attach the hinge pads
to the velcro pads. Next place the upper arm pad (with
the external side down) in the center of the more widely
spaced area of the splints so that the tip of the pad is at
the same height as the midpoint of the hinge and the
remainder of the pad almost touches the hinge pad.
Now press the pad into place. Repeat this procedure for
the forearm padding in the more closely spaced area
of the splints.
Material composition
For specific details please refer to the textile label sewn
onto your orthosis.
Storage information and usage duration
Store in a dry place and protect from sunlight. The
medical retailer or doctor prescribing the orthosis will
advise on exactly how long it can be used for.
contractures and instabilities in the elbow joint, con-
servative treatment of elbow luxations with concomitant
injuries, juxta-articular pseudoarthrosis as well as
posttraumatic joint changes, postoperative care after
prosthetic implant, follow-up treatment with stabile
fractures of the distal upper arm.
If the following symptoms exist, the orthosis should
only be worn after consultation with the physician:
lymph drainage disorders, arterial flow impairment,
post-traumatic conditions, skin disorders or skin
irritations; open wounds in the treated body region
should be covered sterilely.
The Julius Zorn Group assumes no liability as a result
of any contraindicated use of this product.
Side effects
There are no known side effects when used as
directed. However, if negative alterations (such as for
example skin irritations) should occur while the use of
our products has been prescribed, please go to your
physician or your specialist dealer immediately. If an
incompatibility should be known against one or sever-
al ingredients of this product, please check back with
your physician before use. If your medical condition
deteriorates while using our products, please go to
your physician immediately. The manufacturer is not
liable for damages / injuries which have been caused
by improper handling or misuse.
In the case of complaints related to this product,
such as damage to the fabric or problems with the fit,
please contact the medical retailer directly. Only seri-
ous incidents that may lead to a major deterioration of
the patient's medical condition or to death should be
reported to the manufacturer and the relevant author-
ity in the Member State. Serious incidents are defined
in Article 2 (65) Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR).
As a rule, the product is to be destroyed via the con-
ventional disposal route after the end of use. Please
observe the applicable local / national regulations.
Usage prévu
JuzoPro Epi TT stabilise le coude grâce à deux
guidages rembourrés et rigides. Ces derniers sont
reliés entre eux de manière modulable grâce à des
sangles textiles et à un support textile et sont placés
latéralement par rapport à l'articulation du coude. Le
bandage pour le coude limite de manière modulable
l'amplitude des mouvements de flexion et d'extension,
c'est-à-dire le fait de pouvoir plier et tendre le coude.
Voici comment enfiler correctement votre
JuzoPro Epi TT :
1. Défaites les sangles et toutes les attaches velcro
longitudinales avant et ouvrez l'orthèse. L'extrémité
large pour le haut du bras doit alors être tournée
vers vous.
2. Placez votre bras dans l'orthèse en veillant à ce que
la pointe du coude repose sur l'espace libre entre
les coussinets du bras et de l'avant-bras (ill. 1).

