AC Bypass.-
Derived from the electrical power supply net-
work, controlled by the UPS and which allows direct power
supply of the unit via the electrical network in case of overload
or failure in the operation of the UPS inverter.
Alternating current is electric current in which
the magnitude and direction vary cyclically. The wave-
form of the most commonly used alternating current is
that of a sine wave, since this achieves a more efficient
transmission of energy. However, in certain applications,
other periodic waveforms are used, such as triangular
or square.
Automatic battery test.-
to identify any weaknesses in the battery and to check its
condition before it can cause a fault and block in the UPS.
It includes brief discharges (simulated and real) of the battery
and can generate alarms if the battery voltage falls below
a preset level.
Autonomy.-It can also be referred to as "backup or download
time". Battery autonomy is a measure of how long the battery
will support the critical load during a power cut. The autonomy
of a UPS is directly related to the state of charge of the battery
and its capacity, as well as the size of the load connected to
the UPS.
Manual or automatic, this is the physical connec-
tion between the input of an electrical device and its output.
Circuit breaker.-
terrupting the electrical current of a circuit when it exceeds
certain maximum values.
Direct current is the continuous flow of electrons through
a conductor between two points with different potential.
Unlike AC, in DC, electrical loads always circulate in the same
direction from the point of greatest potential to the lowest.
Although DC is commonly identified as a continuous current
(for example, that supplied by a battery), any current that
always maintains the same polarity is continuous.
Deep discharge.-
allowed limit, which causes irreversible damage to the battery.
Double conversion On-Line UPS.-
nology because the UPS receives AC power from the network,
rectifies it into DC for conditioning and charging the battery,
and then inverts it into clean alternating current to be supplied
to the loads connected to the UPS. In the event of overvoltage
or network failure, the UPS continues to power the load from
its battery without any delay in the transfer. As long as the
duration of the network disturbance is less than the battery
autonomy, the event remains invisible for the connected loads.
Dry contacts.-
form of signals.
Digital signal processor. A DSP is a processor or
microprocessor-based system that has a set of instructions,
hardware and optimised software for applications that require
numerical operations at very high speed. Because of this,
it is especially useful for the processing and representation
It is a scheduled test designed
A circuit breaker is a device capable of in-
Discharge of the battery higher than the
It refers to On-Line tech-
They provide information to the user in the
of analogue signals in real time: in a system that works in this
way (real time) samples are usually received from an analogue/
digital converter (ADC).
EBM (External Battery Module).-
module to extend the autonomy of the UPS.
Eco mode (ECO).-
Function of making the UPS work via its
bypass line, making the system itself intervene only when the
conditions of the supply line deviate from their nominal values.
EMI filter.-
Filter capable of significantly reducing electro-
magnetic interference, which is the disturbance that occurs in
a radio receiver or in any other electrical circuit caused by elec-
tromagnetic radiation from an external source. It is also known
as EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference), Radio Frequency Inter-
ference or RFI. This disturbance can interrupt, degrade or limit
the performance of the circuit.
Frequency converter (FC).-
quency of the electrical network to be converted between the
input and output of the UPS (50 Hz → 60 Hz or 60 Hz → 50 hz).
The term ground (GND), as its name indicates, refers to
the potential of the Earth's surface.
Hot Swap.-
In a UPS, the term "Hot Swap" is applied to any
module or component of the UPS that can be added to or
removed from the UPS without interrupting the power to the
connected loads.
An insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is
a semiconductor device that is generally used as a controlled
switch in power electronics circuits. This device possesses the
characteristics of the gate signals of field effect transistors with
the capacity for high current and low saturation voltage of the
bipolar transistor, combining an isolated FET gate for the control
input and a bipolar transistor as a switch in a single device.
The IGBT's excitation circuit is similar to that of the MOSFET,
while the conducting characteristics are similar to those of
the BJT.
In electronics, telecommunications, and hard-
ware, an (electronic) interface is the port (physical circuit)
through which signals are sent or received from one system or
subsystems to others.
An inverter is a circuit used to convert DC into AC.
The function of an inverter is to change a DC input voltage
to a symmetrical AC output voltage, with the magnitude and
frequency desired by the user or designer.
The volt-ampere is the unit of apparent power in
electrical current. In direct or continuous current, it is practi-
cally equal to the real power, but in alternating current it can
differ from it depending on the power factor.
Liquid crystal display, a device invented by Jack Janning,
who was an employee of NCR. It is an electrical system for
data presentation formed by 2 transparent conductive layers
and a special crystalline material in the middle (liquid crystal)
which have the ability to orientate light as it passes through.
Light-emitting diode, a semiconductor device (diode)
that emits light that is almost monochromatic, that is to say,
it has a very narrow spectrum when it is polarised directly and
is penetrated by an electric current. The colour (wavelength)
Battery extension
This function allows the fre-