Our standard submersible pumps and accessories
when installed as specified and used as intended
meet the protective requirements of the EMC Di-
rective 2004/108/EC, and is suitable for use in do-
mestic and commercial areas of the public power
supply network. When connected to an industrial
mains supply in an industrial plant with the power
supply provided by a company-owned high-volta-
ge transformer, it is to be expected that there will
be insufficient immunity to interference.
ATTENTION! Operate the control in dry rooms
only and keep the housing closed at all times.
Automatic operation
Automatic operation is the normal operating
mode of the unit. The Manual-0-Automatic selec-
tor switch for the pumps must be set to the "Au-
tomatik" position for this operating mode. The
pumps are switched on and off again automati-
cally depending on the wastewater level in the
collecting chamber. The green "Betrieb Pumpe"
(Pump operation) indicator lights up when the
pumps are operating.
Manual operation
In case of a malfunction in automatic operation,
the collecting chamber can be drained manually
as well. For this action, set the selector switch to
the "Hand" (Manual) position. The pump will now
operate continuously and independently of the
wastewater level.
ATTENTION! If the "Hand" (Manual) setting is actu-
ated for too long at a time, the pump may draw in
air. Certain pump types need to be vented in this
case, since they would not pump otherwise.
Shutting down the pump
Set the rocker switch to "0". The pump is shut
down. In duplex units the remaining pump conti-
nues to work in automatic operation.
Before carrying out any work: Disconnect
the pump and the control unit from the
mains and take action to ensure that no
one else can reconnect them to the power supply.
Repairs and maintenance work on the
control unit or the pump must be car-
ried out by a qualified electrician only!
Pump isn't working
Please check the pre-fuses in the distribution unit
if the pumps do not operate in automatic or manu-
al operation and do not indicate a failure. Replace
defective fuses only with fuses with the same no-
minal value! Notify our Customer Service in the
event of repeated triggering.
Indicator "Drehfeld falsch" (Wrong rotating
Not for AD/BD 00E. Mains phase sequence is
wrong or phase is absent. This results in little or no
pump delivery.
Indicator "Störung Pumpe" (Pump fault)
For AD 25-AD 610 and BD 25-BD 610 only.
Motor protection switch has been triggered:
• Phase error - two phases (pre-fuse defective ?).
• Overload - tight or blocked impeller.
• Faulty activation - wrongly set or defective mo-
tor protection.
• Failure of the electric motor - winding failure.
Pumps with motor thermostat
The thermostat switches the pump off before the
pump overheats. Pump overheats, e.g. because
the pumped fluid is hotter than 35° Celsius or the
pump has operated after surfacing. The pump
is switched on again automatically after cooling
down. A malfunction message is not generated.
Indicator "Hochwasseralarm" (High-water alarm)
Water level in the collecting chamber is too high
due to insufficient pump delivery or excessive in-
Note (AD 00 / 00E and BD 00 / 00E).
If the device fuse is triggered, this does not cause
"Störung Pumpe" (Pump failure) to be indicated,
even though the pump is no longer working. An
error message is only indicated if a high water
alarm is triggered.
ATTENTION! Replace defective fuses only with fu-
ses with the same nominal value!
Repairs and maintenance work on the
control unit or the pump must be car-
ried out by a qualified electrician only!
Before carrying out any work: Discon-
nect the pump and the control unit from
the mains and take action to ensure that
no one else can reconnect them to the power sup-
When using the pumps, the relevant national laws
as well as national and local regulations must be
complied with.
ATTENTION! The control unit must not be installed
in a hazardous area or in the collecting chamber!
The control unit must only be installed in well ven-
tilated rooms above the backup level, where it can
be easily inspected at any time. Attach the housing
vertically using at least four screws.
ATTENTION! If the control unit is installed in a
column which is located out of doors, there is a
danger that condensation may occur. This could
result in malfunctions or in complete failure of the
control unit. Please observe the information given
on correct installation of the column.
A - Empty housing B - Seal C - Dry white sand
Note. Connections dashed in the circuit diagram
have to be provided on site by the buyer.
Mains connection
Insert separate pre-fuses. Safety fuses must be
used. For nominal value please refer to the Tech-
nical data.
Connect mains cable according to circuit diagram.
In case of wrong phase sequence (indicator "Dreh-
feld Falsch" (Wrong rotating field) is lit)), the two
phases must be interchanged (not applicable for
alternating current).
Connection of the pumps
Only pumps which the manufacturer has expressly
designated for this control unit may be connected.
The pump cable cores which are marked must
be connected to the terminals of the control unit
shown in the circuit diagram.
The cores of the pump cable marked 30/32 (ther-
mal motor contacts) have to be connected to
terminals 30/32 of the PCB. If pumps without a
winding thermostat are connected, an insulated
bridge must be laid from terminal 30 to 32.
For AD 25-AD 610 and BD 25-BD 610 only. Set the
motor protection relay (AD...) or the motor protec-
tion switch (BD...) to the rated current of the pump
(see type plate) + 10%.
If the direction of rotation is correct, the starting
jerk of the pump is counter to the direction of ro-
tation arrow on the motor housing. If the direction
of rotation is wrong, two phases of the pump cable
must be interchanged on the control unit.
The start-up jolt can be very forceful.