13. Congenital abnormalities, tumors or other conditions that
would prevent secure component fixation that has the po-
tential to decrease the useful life of the device
14. Any medical or mental condition which would exclude the
patient or put the patient at high risk from surgery of this
15. For pedicle screw cases, inadequate pedicles of the fifth
lumbar (L5) vertebrae
Components of competitive spinal fixation systems should not be
used with components of the S
dissimilar material should not be used together due to the poten-
tial for accelerating the corrosion process by the mixing of dis-
similar materials.
No component of the S
ing removed from the body. An implant should never be resteril-
ized after contact with body tissue or body fluids.
Damage to the implant can occur if the clamping screw is over-
tightened. Do not tighten the clamping screw without using the
countering instrument or screw head expansion can occur.
Damage to the implant can occur if the repositioning instruments
are positioned too high in relation to the implant. Always apply
repositioning instruments (e.g. distraction and compression for-
ceps) below the rod at the implant.
During derotation, screw head expansion may occur if derotation
sleeves are not used.
Spinal System. Components of
Spinal System should be reused after be-
Spinal System