Cassette Out
Auto Mode
Select EE, Full EE
Lamp Still/Fwd/Rev
Near EOT
Cue Complete (byte 2, bit 0)
HyperDeck Serial RS-422 Protocol
Transferring Files over a Network
Your HyperDeck disk recorder supports file transfer via file transfer protocol, or ftp. This
powerful feature lets you copy files directly from your computer to your HyperDeck via a
network with the fast speeds a local network can provide. For example, you could be copying
new files to a remote HyperDeck unit based at another location for digital signage.
Connecting to HyperDeck Studio
With your computer and HyperDeck Studio on the same network, all you'll need is an ftp client
and your HyperDeck Studio's IP address.
Download and install an FTP client on the computer you want to connect
your HyperDeck to. We recommend Cyberduck, FileZilla or Transmit but most
FTP applications will work. Cyberduck and FileZilla are free downloads.
Set if no SSD is present
Set if Remote is disabled (local control)
Set if a disk is available
Clear if playback is forwarding, set if playback is reversing
Set if playback is paused, or if in input preview mode
Set if in Auto Mode
Set if in input preview mode
Set according to playback speed and direction
Set if total space left on available SSDs is less than 3 minutes
Set if total space left on available SSDs is less than 30 seconds
Always 1: Cue requests are always instantaneous
Based on Sony 9-pin protocol
Baud rate
1 start bit
8 data bits
1 stop bit
1 parity bit
Odd parity
38.4 Kbps
Transferring Files over a Network