MMA = electric arc welding (E-Hand/MMA) is one of the earliest
methods of metal objects welding; it is also in use nowadays. Welding
energy is generated by the electric arc between the consumable elect-
rode and welded element.
AC/DC = while using inverter, it is possible to weld with direct cur-
rent (DC) or alternate current (AC) at the value of 200 A at 60% of
make-time. Thanks to this, the machine may weld almost every metal.
The alternate current is used for welding light metals (as aluminum or
titanium). For welding most of other metals (as constructional steel
and free-machining steel) we use direct current.
Two-cycles MODE = welding process is being launched by pressing
the burner's switch-key and afte0072 its release, the function DOWN
SloPe is initiated. If in doWn SloPe or PoSt tIMe phase, the
burner's button is pressed again, the welding process is again started.
Four-cycles MODE = welding process is being launched by pressing
the burner's button and its again press results in DOWN SLOPE phase
Pulsation function switch-key = Additional pulsation function makes it
possible to prove more energy without the necessity to significantly
increase the temperature in the welded element.
FOOT-OPERATED SWITCH = the welder may be switched on
with foot-operated pedal. An additional equipment is available at the
manufacturer's site.