7. Using a Phillips head
screwdriver, remove the
small sheet metal screw
from the right end of the
standing platform hinge.
See Figure C.
8. Thread the new sheet
metal screw into the loop
on the end of the spring
attached to the corner of
the latch plate. Tighten into
the hole in the end of the
hinge. See Figure D.
Note: Stretch and bend spring
gently when tightening down
screw to prevent spring coil
from catching under screw.
9. Remove the black Velcro tabs located on the Allegro rail and
standing platform edge. (Figure E & F)
Fig E
10. Attach one white self-stick bumper on each side of the
standing platform edge where the Velcro tabs were.
Fig C
Fig D
Fig F
Your latch should look like Figure G when installation is complete.
Fig G