Operational malfunctions / troubleshooting
Operational malfunctions / troubleshooting
Damage caused by using incorrect tools!
Damage may occur as a result of using incorrect tools during assembly,
maintenance or troubleshooting. Only use the correct tools.
– The prescribed personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn during
all maintenance work. Pay particular attention to the product data sheet for
the dosing chemical being used.
– Always rinse the metering head and depressurise the pressure line before
carrying out any maintenance and repair work and before dosing
dangerous media.
– Repairs on electrical equipment may only be carried out by trained
electricians (Employers' Liability Association safety rules VB G 4 and
ZH 1/11).
– Before any adjustment, maintenance work, repair work or exchange of
parts, the device must be disconnected from all sources of power if opening
of the device is necessary.
– Live parts may be exposed when opening covers or removing parts
(apart from covers that can be opened or parts that can be removed without
using tools). Connection points may also be live.
Information about sending pumps to Customer Service.
– Note that our Customer Service department will accept delivery only of
parts and pumps that are clean, have been rinsed with water and are free
from dosing agents.
– Always thoroughly clean all parts before returning parts and pumps.
– Please also pack the returned goods in a suitable bag to prevent residual
moisture from leaking into the surrounding packaging.
– Together with the returned pump, please include a copy of the product data
sheet for the dosing chemical being used so that our service employees
can use the required PPE when working with the pump.
417102264 Rev. 5-01.2019
Production supervisor
Qualified electrician