The machine is provided with a STATUS Light (ref b, Fig. 7).
Light signals are the following:
GREEN (STEADY): Unit ready
GREEN (FLASHING): Action completed
YELLOW: Unit working
RED: Needs attention or there is a problem
HIGH PRESSURE ALARM: Beeper advise when the pressure of the fluid in the circuit is too
high (20bar). The recovery operation is automatically interrupted.
TANK FULL: Beeper advise when the tank is filled to more than 80% of maximum capacity
(10kg for 12l tank). The RECOVERY operation is automatically interrupted (to cancel this alarm,
charge one or more A/C systems before recovering any more refrigerant).
TANK EMPTY: Beeper advise when the quantity of refrigerant fluid contained in the tank is low
(less than 2kg)
SERVICE ALARM: Beeper advise whenever the total recovered refrigerant amounts to 70 kg for
R134a or 140 kg for R1234yf. To deactivate the alarm, replace the filters and the vacuum pump
oil. A code for canceling the alarm is supplied with the spare filters.
- System leaks
- Presence of refrigerant into the a/c system
- Low vacuum
- Empty oil container
- Low gas availability
- Vacuum leaks (a/c system flushing)
- Pressure leaks (a/c system flushing)
- System empty
- Comunication error
- Low oil volume
- Check connections
- Empty external bottle
- High pressure alarm