3. Cleaning
3.1 Before using for the fi rst time and once a day
Clean and disinfect the parts below. Ensure you clean and disinfect
these parts at least once per day.
• Breastshield
• Bottles and lids
l Freestyle tubing doesn't require regular cleaning maintenance because
the media separation system prevents milk from entering the tubing. If you
live in an area with high humidity, you may fi nd that your tubing sometimes
has condensation after use. If this is occurring, please refer to section 8
for instructions on removing condensation from your tubing. Using your
freestyle while condensation is present may cause damage to your motor.
• Membrane
• Connector
• Back
Supplies Needed: • clean dish towel or soft brush
• clean sink or bowl
Wash hands thoroughly.
Disassemble the
breastpump kit into
individual parts.
For subsequent uses,
Dry with a clean cloth or
leave to dry on a
you can use a Medela
Quick Clean Micro-Steam
clean cloth.
bag in the microwave
in accordance with the
instructions for daily
Questions? www.medela.ca, info@medela.ca or 1-800-435-8316
• drinking quality water
Cover all parts with water,
bring water to a boil and boil
for 5 minutes. Allow water
to cool and gently remove
parts from water with tongs.
I Allow all parts to air dry.
I Store dry parts when not
in use.
I Do NOT store wet or
damp parts.