The blower could be used as an instant additional heating
in case of important difference between the ambient tem-
perature and the setting temperature desired. The Super
Comfort switches on if the difference between the ambient
temperature and the setting temperature is higher than 2°C.
The Super Comfort is enabled by default (see chapter user
settings page 62 then Super Comfort mode page 51).
Example: the device is in Eco set 17,5°C, you decide for
a transition in Comfort mode : the difference between
21°C and 17,5°C is 3,5°C, so higher than 2°C. The blower
France's Agency for Environment and Energy Management
(ADEME) recommends a Comfort setting temperature
lowerr or equal to 19°C.
In the device display, a selector indicates the energy com-
sumption level by positioning it in front of the colour: red,
C — Red colour
High Temperature level: it is advisable
to significantly reduce the setting
B — Orange colour
Average temperature level: it is ad-
visable to slightly reduce the setting
A — Green colour
Ideal temperature.
starts up automatically to help the temperature increase
and attain the 21°C requested. The Boost symbol and the
heating indicator appears on the display and the cursor
under the selected mode will flash.
scf and the setting temperature Super Comfort appears
alternately on the display.
The Super Comfort stops if:
— The difference is less or equal to 0,5°C.
— The difference is always upper than 2°C after 1hr of
Super Comfort.
Comment: the Super Comfort is valid in Comfort and
Auto-Comfort mode only.
orange or green. So, depending on the setting temperature,
you can choose your level of energy usage. As the tem-
perature setting increases, the consumption will be higher.
The gauge appears in Auto, Comfort, Eco and Frost
protection modes and whatever the temperature level.
Setting temperature > 22°C
When the setting temperature is
higher than 22°C
19°C < Setting temperature ≤ 22°C
When the setting temperature is
higher than 19°C and lower or equal
to 22°C
Setting temperature ≤ 19°C
When the setting temperature is
lower or equal to 19°C