Description of the error
The docking station is not connected to the mains. Please connect the
base to the mains.
The robot is unable to locate its
The docking station is not easily accessible due to the cluttered oor
docking station
Ensure the robot has easy access by clearing any clutter around the
docking station.
The battery power is weak and the robot is not able to return to the
The robot will turn o due to low
docking system. Return the robot manually to the docking station in
battery power
order for it to recharge.
The robot is no longer positioned
The robot is not at ground-level.
on the ground
Please place the robot on the ground.
One of the wheels is jammed and is not working properly.
One of the robot's wheels is jammed
Turn o the robot and remove the blocking element.
The robot is unable to properly turn on. Call the after-sales service
The vacuuming motor is jammed
centre, quoting error code 2021.
The power-brush is not working correctly.
The power-brush is jammed/
Turn o the robot and remove the blocking element.
Remember to clean the power-brush using the tool provided to
remove hair.
The robot is blocked.
The robot is unable to nd its route
Move the robot, repositioning it in an uncluttered space and re-start
the vacuuming. Move the robot.
The robot has a problem with its
The fall sensors are dirty. Clean the fall sensors with the cloth provided.
fall sensors
The robot is jammed at the top of the stairs. Move the robot.
The robot cannot start without its dust collector.
The robot's dust collector is not
Attach the dust collector and its lter properly.
Place the dust collector and lter inside the appliance.
The robot's navigation sensors are
The robot is unable to properly turn on. Call the after-sales service
centre, quoting error code 2040.
The robot is unable to properly turn on. Call the after-sales service
The robot's gyroscope is damaged
centre, quoting error code 2041.
Switch o and switch on the robot and put it back on the docking
The robot faced an issue
station. After booting, the robot will be ready for any command.
The robot does not have su cient battery power to turn on.
Place the robot on the docking station; ensure the ON/OFF switch
The robot does not turn on
under the robot is in the OFF position.
Set the switch to the ON position.
Possible cause/solution
1. Robot stuck
If the robot is stuck, the robot will stop itself. The warning light will turn on and the dedicated
message will be displayed on the app.
In this case, 2 options :
1. User moves the robot and places it on the docking station. The robot will start again as
soon as a new cleaning run is launched (from the robot or app).
2. User moves the robot and puts it back on the oor within 1m + presses the start/pause
button to resume the cleaning session. The robot will try to relocalize in its environment
and will continue the cleaning session.
2. Eternal stop
• If the robot is stopped out of its docking station and the warning light is blinking, it means
that the robot faced a tricky/delicate situation. The user must switch o /on the robot with
the switch on/o underneath the robot and put it back on the docking station.
• The robot will start again as soon as a new cleaning run is launched (from the robot or app).
3. Battery low
• If the battery reaches less than 10% the robot will enter in a battery low mode. In this mode,
the warning light turns on and the last battery light segment is blinking.
• In that case the user must put back the robot on to the docking station to recharge. The
robot will start again as soon as a new cleaning run is launched (from the robot or app).
4. Brush stuck
If the brush of the robot is stuck (carpet fringe, shoelace...), the robot stops itself. The warning
light will stay on and the dedicated message will be displayed on the app.
In this case, 2 options:
1. User clears the brush and places the robot on the right docking station. The robot will
start again as soon as a new cleaning run is launched (from the robot or app)
2. User clears the brush and puts the robot back on the oor within 1m + presses the
start/pause button to resume the cleaning session. The robot will try to relocalize in its
environment and will continue the cleaning session.