Overall System Performance Measures
Number of pieces to enter the paper path.
The number of pieces that were successfully sorted to bins,
not including pieces that were rejected.
The average number of pieces that were processed
between jams. The formula for the Jam Rate is:
Jam Rate
Number of pieces deemed unsuitable for processing and
sent to the Reject bin.
Number of envelopes per hour the Mail Matrix is currently
feeding. The formula for the Feed Rate is:
Feed Rate
Number of envelopes per hour the Mail Matrix is
processing. The formula for the Output Rate is:
Output Rate
Average time the Mail Matrix was halted while the operator
was clearing a jam. The formula for the Jam Clear Time is:
Jam Clear
Jam Rate = (Input/Jams)
Input * 3600 (seconds per hour)
Feed Rate =
Output * 3600 (seconds per hour)
Output Rate =
Jam Clear Time =
Mail Matrix Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation
Active Job Time
Active Job Time
Jam Time