At the beginning, we recommend training every other day on the side stepper. Beginners
can start with a 5 minute program, then increase to 10 minutes and later to 30 (without
interruption or divided into 3x 10 minute phases). If your fitness level is already very high,
you can train every day. But always remember to listen to your own body.
The stretches depicted on the following page are suited both for warming up and cooling
down after training. Please note that in the warm-up phase, you should hold the stretches
only briefly (approx. 5 to 10 seconds) before relaxing again. This increases muscle tension
and prepares muscles for subsequent training.
During cool down, stretches should be held longer (at least 30 seconds) in order to reduce
muscle tension after the strain of exercise.
As a general rule, never take stretching to the extreme.
If you feel any discomfort, release the stretch immediately, and do this stretch with less
intensity in the future.
After mounting the side stepper (see „Mounting correctly"), it is important to note where
each pedal's end stop is.
While training, do not push the pedals to their end stop with each step. Instead shift your
body weight accordingly before the pedal reach the end stop.
Free swinging
Easy cardiovascular training.
Slowly begin swinging your arms at
your sides, like when walking normally.
Swing your arms higher to increase
the intensity of training. Do not swing
your arms higher until you have found
a comfortable, easy rhythm.