Suggested exercises
Some of many exercises are described below.
Caution! Always wear non-slip sports
Squats (figure G)
Length of suspension trainer: medium
Starting position:
1. Stand upright facing towards the attachment
point. Stand with your feet shoulder-width
apart and your elbows angled at your sides.
2. Exercise slight tension on the suspension
trainer by leaning backwards slightly.
End position:
3. Tense your stomach and buttock muscles.
4. Squat down. Your knees should be parallel to
your toes. Keep your heels firmly on the
5. Extend your buttocks out backwards slightly
and keep your upper body upright.
6. Return to the starting position.
7. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
Important: Increase the intensity of the
exercise by increasing your speed or by
carrying the exercise out while standing
on one leg.
Rowing (figure H)
Length of suspension trainer: short
Starting position:
1. Stand upright facing towards the attachment
point. Stand with your feet shoulder-width
2. Hold both handles with your arms extended.
3. Lean back and step forwards until you find a
reasonable angle of resistance. .
End position:
4. Pull your upper body forwards and tense your
back muscles.
5. Your elbows should be at an angle of 90° to
your body.
6. Return to the starting position.
7. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Important: Press your shoulder blades
together while you are pulling yourself
Most exercises are more difficult while
standing because your base is smaller.
The exercise is easiest with your legs
wide apart. It is more difficult with your
feet together and most difficult when
standing on one leg.
Hip dips (figure I)
Length of suspension trainer: long
Starting position:
1. Stand sideways to the attachment point and
hold the handles above your head.
2. Take one step forwards with your inside foot.
Your feet should be in a straight line.
3. Lean away from the attachment point and
keep the bands tense.
End position:
4. Tense your arm and stomach muscles.
5. Lean your hips outwards, away from the
attachment point.
6. Move in one comfortable, slow, and
controlled movement.
7. Return to the starting position by tensing your
stomach muscles.
8. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
9. Perform the exercise 10 times for each leg.
Important: Ensure you keep your body
tensed throughout the exercise. Hold
your elbows wide and in line with your
Roll-ups (figure J)
Length of suspension trainer: long
Starting position:
1. Stand facing away from the attachment point
with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Take several steps backwards until you are
positioned in a reasonable angle of
3. Extend your arms forwards and lean into the
End position:
4. Tense your arm, buttock, and stomach
5. Slowly lift your arms. Make sure that you
keep your body tensed during this forwards