10. Attach the chain to the fixed end position.
10.1Place the first chain link into the slot of
the suspension point.
10.2Insert the pin (2), which holds the
chain in place, into the hole on the
10.3Push in the pin completely using a
hexagon key or a similar tool. The pin
secures the fixation of the chain only,
when you place it properly to the end
10.4Pull on the chain and check visually
that you have attached the pin and the
chain correctly.
10.5Apply Loctite thread locker to the
locking screw (1). Tighten the screw
carefully to secure the fixation of the
pin on its place.
11. Pull the rubber buffer up on the chain.
Attach the end stop to the chain end on the
chain bucket side of the chain fall.
The dimension 'W' should be at least
150 mm (5.9 in). The dimension 'W' is
the distance from the end of the chain
to the bottom of the end stop.
12. Place the chain into the chain bucket. Attach the chain bucket to the chain hoist.
For more information, see chapter Fitting the chain bucket.
13. Perform the functional tests and the load tests.
Perform the functional test up and down. If local regulations require it, perform also the load
test. Pay attention to the chain and make sure it drives straight into the chain hoist.
Maintaining the hook
Mesure de l'usure sur le crochet
Vérifiez régulièrement l'usure du crochet et du crochet de suspension. Remplacez
immédiatement tous les verrous de sécurité endommagés.
Les cotes de crochet sont nominales puisqu'elles ne sont pas contrôlées avec une
tolérance. Prenez la mesure de référence de l'ouverture du crochet (a2) lorsque le
crochet est neuf.
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écrite de Verlinde S.A.S. Copyright 2020 © Verlinde S.A.S. Tous droits réservés.