The air inflow is regulated by an apposite valve
ruled by the lever placed below the fire door. The
valve is closed in the left position while it is open
in the right one.
The position of the lever sets the opening of the
oxidising air conduct: more it is open, more will be
the combustion speed and the power of the de-
When the stove is not working, the air regulation
Table 3 – Regulations of the wood fired stove according to the use.
Once the layer of embers has created, to insert the
combustible inside the combustion chamber the
fire door must be slightly open for few seconds,
to allow to the pressure difference to settle before
opening completely the fire door.
Then, insert n.2 wood chunks for a total weight of
2 kg, taking care to place it in order to make them
burn quickly, finally close the door.
The regulation of the oxidising air must be com-
Picture 21 – Primary air regulation: the valve is open in correspondence of the position indicated with letter A,
while it is closed in correspondence of the position indicated with letter B.
must be closed in order to limit the flow of unde-
sired air that could take to an anticipated cooling
of the device and the installation room.
This operation is particularly useful in case of de-
vices installed with the external air intake directly
In general, for a good working of the device, it is
suggested to follow the instructions for air regula-
tions indicated in table 3.
Air regulation
Half open
pletely open in the first minutes of combustion,
then if it is required a slower combustion it is
possible to reduce the entry of air operating on
the primary air lever. The flow of oxidising air
depends also on the temperature in the com-
bustion chamber and on the effective draught.
The nominal power of the stove can be obtained
with 2 chunks with total weight of 2 kg and length
25 – 33 cm and with primary air regulation at 50%.