During the working, inside the thermostove hap-
pens a combustive reaction of combustible (the
wood inserted in the combustion chamber) and
combustion (the oxygen present in the air of the
room in which the thermostove is placed). The
wood fired thermostove makes an intermittent
combustion: after the lighting, the combustion
goes on till the exhaustion of the combustible but
it can be maintained lighted by making another
load of combustible and so on. The maintenance of
the combustion in time is guaranteed by the cor-
rect working of the chimney, which allows to evac-
uate the fumes and in the same time to feed the
flame with combustion air. In this way, the features
of the chimney have a big influence on the correct
working of the thermostove. The combustion of
WARNING! For the correct working of the wood fired thermostove verify that the
passage of combustion air is not obstructed or, in case of connection with external air
intake, that the air aspiration grill is not obstructed.
To light the fire it must be used as combustible well
dried thin wood together with specific products
available in commerce.
If it is used a limited amount of wood or if the
wood has been cut too roughly, the combustion
chamber will not reach the correct working tem-
perature. At the time of ignition, the fire door must
remain in a half-closed position for a few minutes,
WARNING! It is important that the wood starts to burn quickly. The lighting of a big
amount of wood in starting phase can cause an excessive production of smoke and a
quick gas emission with consequent damage to the stove.
On T Series thermostoves there are three air reg-
ulations: external air intake lever, primary and two
primary air regulations.
The entrance of combustion air inside the ther-
mostove is regulated by a valve ruled by a lever
placed below the fire door. The valve is closed in
the right position while is open in the left position.
To regulate this device, see picture 18.
wood requests that the air flow inside the combus-
tion chamber happens in different points to obtain
the maximum efficiency. In particular, it is present
a primary air feeding that flows in the lower part
of the combustion chamber by the grill, and one or
more secondary air feedings that flow in the upper
part of the combustion chamber. The primary air is
the main air and regulates the combustion speed.
The secondary air allows the post-combustion of
the fumes, generating further heating, knocking
down the amount of harmful gas and so improving
both the rendering and the impact on the environ-
ment. Once started the combustion it cannot be
interrupted in a safe way: it must be always faded
out naturally with the exhaustion of all the com-
bustible inserted.
sufficient time to correctly feed the flame and en-
sure the necessary draft of the chimney. A difficult
combustion can produce soot in excess or the ex-
haustion of the flame when the fire door is closed.
The combustion might be difficult until the chim-
ney is hot. The necessary time depends on how
the chimney has been made and the weather con-
The primary air regulator, located in the front of
the thermostove, is ruled by a graduate hand grip
which regulates the combustion speed. Low val-
ues ensure less power and bigger autonomy. High
values ensure more power and less autonomy. The
regulator is automatic and maintains steady the
heating produced by the thermostove.
The auxiliary regulation for primary air, located in