NOTE: If monitoring a TriStar, the "RTS Open" alarm
will be active if the Remote Temperature Sensor is not
connected to the TriStar. If the TriStar does not have
an RTS, do not check the RTS Open alarm.
The channel is now configured for Alarm/Fault mode. The
Relay Driver Setup screen should display the Alarm/Fault
Function parameters in the Configuration Summary for the
If all four channels are now configured as desired, refer to
section 3.3 for instructions on how to program the Relay
Alarm / Fault Advanced Setup Definitions
The following definitions can be used when configuring the
Alarm or Fault Function in Advanced setup. These values are
assigned the appropriate default values in Simple setup.
Control Address – The meter bus ID for the device that is to
be monitored. Factory default is one (1) for the TriStar and
nine (9) for the Relay Driver. (Not applicable in Standalone)
Sample Period - How often the Relay Driver polls the
Morningstar Device.
Timeout – Period of time to wait for a response from the
Morningstar Device before setting a communications Timeout
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