Project # 24-284
Model: 5770E
PFS-TECO was contracted by United States Stove Company (USSC) to provide testing
services for the 5770E Pellet-Fired Room Heater per ASTM E2779, Determining PM
Emissions from Pellet Heaters. All testing and associated procedures were conducted at
PFS-TECO's Portland Laboratory on 5/3/2024. PFS-TECO's Portland Laboratory is
located at 11785 SE Highway 212 – Suite 305, Clackamas, Oregon 97015. Testing
procedures followed EPA ALT-146 / ASTM E2779. Particulate sampling was performed
per ASTM E2515, Standard Test Method for Determination of Particulate Matter
Emissions Collected by a Dilution Tunnel.
PFS-TECO is accredited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the certification
and auditing of wood heaters pursuant to subpart AAA of 40 CFR Part 60, New Source
Performance Standards for Residential Wood Heaters and subpart QQQQ of 40 CFR
Part 60, Standards of Performance for New Hydronic Heaters and Forced Air Furnaces,
Methods 28R, 28WHH, 28 WHH-PTS, and all methods listed in Sections 60.534 and
60.5476. PFS-TECO holds EPA Accreditation Certificate Numbers 4 and 4M (mobile).
PFS-TECO is accredited by IAS to ISO 17020:2012 "Criteria for Bodies Performing
Inspections", and ISO 17025:2005 "Requirements for Testing Laboratories." PFS-TECO
is also accredited by Standards Council of Canada to ISO 17065:2012 "Requirements for
Bodies Operating Product Certification Systems."
The following people were associated with the testing, analysis and report writing
associated with this project.
Aaron Kravitz, Laboratory Manager
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