We sincerely thank you for your business. Please call us at 503-654-9620 for all your sales and calibration needs.
This certificate is hereby issued that the above instrument was tested for accuracy with calibrated standards traceable to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). The information provided on this form complies with the data gathering and reporting requirements of ISO/IEC
17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540.1, and meets the requirements of all applicable references and Cal-Cert procedures listed above.
Any stated measurement uncertainty includes the uncertainty of the Calibration standards used, combined with the uncertainty of the measurement
process using the RSS method with a k=2 for an approximate 95% level of confidence. The calibration process meets or exceeds a ratio of 4:1 unless
otherwise stated.
All tolerances were derived from the applicable standards and pass/fail determination is based on those tolerances. The customer determined any
recommended due dates indicated on the certificate.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Cal-Cert.
Service Engineer:
Technical Manager:
Pressure and Vacuum Digital Gauges CF-003-01
Page: 2 of 2
Newport Industries
Cleaning and preventative maintenance were performed as part of this service.
Cal-Cert is accredited by A2LA under Calibration Laboratory Code #4986.01.
A2LA is recognized under the ILAC mutual recognition agreement (MRA).
Steven White
Marshall Doyle
Copyright 2013 Cal-Cert. All rights reserved.
Pressure Transducer
Revision 14
Serial #:
February 26, 2024
Report #: 33086-203325-4525