Controllers SGC enable simple and advanced metering of acquired solar energy. For heat
metering it is necessary to have an additional sensor installed into solar collector's return pipe -
cold sensor Tc.
Heat metering is activated with the setting of the parameter W1.1=1. Medium and its
concentration are set with parameters W1.2 and W1.3.
Simple heat metering
By this metering principle it is necessary to read out the max. amount of flow on mechanic flow
meter and enter this value into the setting W1.8 for the first collector field and into the setting
W1.9 for the second collector field, if it exists. By applications with two collector fields (scheme
236 and 248) it is necessary to enter also the sum amount of flow, when both circulation pumps
are running. This setting is done with parameter W1.10.
Amount of flow needs to be read, when pump is running at its full power or at 100 % RPM.
To do that, manually activate the pump (see chapter Manual mode). Connect collector return
pipe sensor Tc and perform the setting for sensor selection W1.5.
Advanced heat metering with volume flow sensor
For advanced heat metering it is necessary to install impulse type volume flow sensor into the
solar circuit. (pulse encoder). Advanced heat metering is activated with setting the parameter
Flow quotient of the installed flow meter is set with parameter W1.7.
Connect collector return pipe sensor Tc and perform the setting for sensor selection W1.5.
Heat metering is in both cases only informational type and can be used only as
a personal reference. Measured data cannot be used for energy billing or similar
Service settings manual